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Java Applet: - A computer term for a short program written in Java that is attached to a web page and executed by the computer on which the Web browser is installed.

Java applets: - A Java program is downloaded from the web server and interpreted by a program running on the computer running the Web browser.

Java Script: - A computer term for a cross-platform, World Wide Web scripting language developed by Netscape Communications. JavaScript code is inserted directly into an HTML page.

Java: - A computer term for a general-purpose programming language created by Sun Microsystems. Java can be used to create

Jidoka: - The concept of adding an element of human judgment to automated equipment. In doing this, the equipment becomes capable of discriminating against unacceptable quality, and the automated process becomes more reliable. This concept, also known as autonomation, was pioneered by Sakichi Toyoda at the turn of the twentieth century when he invented automatic looms that stopped instantly when any thread broke. This permitted one operator to oversee many machines with no risk of producing large amounts of defective cloth. The term has since been extended beyond its original meaning to include any means of stopping production to prevent scrap (for example the andon cord which allows assembly-plant workers to stop the line), even where this capability is not built-in to the production machine itself

JIT II: - See Just-In-Time II

JIT/QC: - Just-In-Time/Quality Control.

JIT: - See Just-In-Time

Joint cost: - A type of common cost where products are produced in fixed proportions, and the cost incurred to produce on product necessarily entails the production of another

Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG): - A computer term which is an abbreviation for the Joint Photographic Expert Group. A graphical file format used to display high-resolution color images on the World Wide Web. JPEG images apply a userspecified compression scheme that can significantly reduce the large file size usually associated with photo-realistic color images. A higher level of compression results in lower image quality, whereas a lower level of compression results in higher image quality.

Joint rate: - A rate over a route that involves two or more carriers to transport the shipment.

Joint Supplier Agreement (JSA): - Indicative of Stage 3 Sourcing Practices, the JSA includes terms & conditions, objectives, process flows, performance targets, flexibility, balancing and incentives.

JPEG: - See Joint Photographic Expert Group

JSA: - See Joint Supplier Agreement

Just-in-Time (JIT): - An inventory control system that controls material flow into assembly and manufacturing plants by coordinating demand and supply to the point where desired materials arrive just in time for use. An inventory reduction strategy that feeds production lines with products delivered "just in time". Developed by the auto industry, it refers to shipping goods in smaller, more frequent lots.

Just-in-Time II (JIT II): - Vendor-managed operations taking place within a customer's facility. JIT II was popularized by the Bose Corporation. The supplier reps, called "inplants," place orders to their own companies, relieving the customer's buyers from this task. Many also become involved at a deeper level, such as participating in new product development projects, manufacturing planning (concurrent planning).